Clocaenog Forest Wind Farm Community Fund

We have now re-opened for community applications

For applications over £10,000, we ask all potential applicants to contact the grants manager to discuss their proposal before submitting an application

Community Fund Guidelines

Small Grants Under £10,000 Application Form

We’re here to help

You can always call us if you have specific questions about the application process. We also run regular funding surgeries in partnership with other funders, including The National Lottery.  These are designed to help and guide applicants to apply for the fund, to support applicants in identifying match funding opportunities and to maximise the use of the fund if there are other appropriate funders to apply to.  Please keep an eye on Twitter and Facebook for funding surgery dates.

We like to hear about your projects, and prefer this to receiving cold applications to the fund. Please also contact us if you have access issues and need support. We’re here to help!

What happens next?

Decisions on awards will be made by the grants panel, co-ordinated by our Grants Team

  • All applicants will receive confirmation on receipt of their application.
  • If ineligible, the Grants Team will notify the applicant.
  • All applications will be assessed by the Grants Team and then passed to the grant panel who will make all decisions on the allocation of funds.
  • The panel is made up from local residents in the funds area of benefit. We take conflicts of interest very seriously, and any panel member with a conflict of interest with your application won’t be assessing or involved in the discussions for your application.
  • The Fund Manager in conducting due diligence, may follow up with the pricing structure of quotes, letters of support, existing or potential participants/beneficiaries of your project. If you are funded by an existing funder, the Fund Manager may contact them for additional information as part of the due diligence checks.
  • Following the panel meeting all applicants will be informed whether they have been successful.
  • The panel decision is final, and detailed feedback cannot be provided.

Successful applicants will then be asked to agree to the following: 

  • On completion of projects all applicants will be required to complete a monitoring & evaluation exercise, together with evidence of expenditure based on agreed outcomes at the start of project.
  • Use the monies as specified in your application unless prior agreement has been received in advance. 
  • Submit progress reports, these will be outlined to all individual case studies subject to the size of the project.
  • All successful applicants will need to agree to our brand guidelines, including use of the logo e.g. colours and sizing for publicity purposes etc.

All comments & enquiries directed to the Fund,  need to be submitted to the following address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Community and Voluntary Support Conwy
7 Rhiw Rd, Colwyn Bay LL29 7TG

  • Company Limited by Guarantee 3867751
  • Registered Charity Number: 1151397