New Online Safeguarding Training launched by Social Care Wales

Social Care Wales logoLaunched as part of National Safeguarding Week 2021, the e-learning module is mainly aimed at those working in the public and voluntary sectors. This includes those looking to work in social care, early years and childcare, as well as in health, the emergency services and local councils.

The new bilingual training module will enable everyone to:

  • explain the term 'safeguarding'
  • recognise abuse or the risk of abuse, harm, or neglect
  • know what actions to take if they witness or suspect abuse, harm, or neglect, or if someone tells them they are being abused
  • demonstrate a basic understanding of the laws concerning safeguarding
  • recognise that they have a duty to report abuse, harm, or neglect.

This module contains 13 sections and includes scenario questions to help users build a practical understanding of safeguarding and what action to take if they think someone may be at risk.

More information can be found here 

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