North Wales Women's Centre

The case study below, from North Wales Women’s Centre, shows the impact of the work which was supported by funding from Gwynt y Môr.

“X self-referred herself to the Women’s Centre after leaving a domestic violent relationship and fleeing her home with her child to live with her mum and stepdad.

Initially X came to the Women’s centre for advice and support whilst fleeing a domestic abuse situation. On our first initial call I signposted her to the DASU (domestic abuse safety unit) as well as giving her contact details for legal advice around contact for her child… Around 4 months later X was recommended to come to the women’s centre by her doctor due to struggling with her mental health and accommodation needs.

X needed support and advice about what to do and where to go. Emotional support was also offered as she had to come to terms with what she had been through, and it was then established along the way that there was further past trauma and DV that was discussed and needed addressing, so I discussed counselling as an option for X and after a while I referred X to our counselling waiting list. Counselling was put on hold due to X needing to concentrate on her housing problem and after talking to X that being in a crisis situation wouldn’t be good to have counselling at the same time, as she wouldn’t be able to learn what she needs from the counsellor to move on with her life.

…X started receiving housing support and support from DASU, where they supported her in court around child contact, but at the time was waiting for reports from Cafcass, which was stressing her out and making her feel anxious. X’s child was also playing up considerably at home after she had video contact with her dad, and it was established that when the video contact stopped her daughter’s behaviour improved so much. Through discussion it was recognised that X was paying council tax on the home she had fled from, and I advised her to inform housing and after this was done her council tax was stopped and she was reimbursed for overpayment.

X was able to find a home for herself and her daughter after being very proactive in her search and not giving up, even though she struggled with anxiety after going through domestic abuse.

X’s confidence grew over the months, and she was given an opportunity through the Women’s’ Centre to talk to a production team about what she had been through so they could put a film together to make the professionals more aware of what it is like to walk in the shoes of women that have been through Domestic Abuse. X was more than happy to talk to the team about this as it gave her strength knowing it was doing good.

X was also given the opportunity to complete the ‘own my life’ course through DASU as this will highlight for X any red flags that may come up with future relationships as well as helping women with their ‘self-worth’.

X coming to the centre has given her the knowledge to know what is out there for support wise as well as giving her the courage to move on after being in a domestic violent relationship”.

Community and Voluntary Support Conwy
7 Rhiw Rd, Colwyn Bay LL29 7TG

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  • Registered Charity Number: 1151397