Llanfwrog Community Association

In July 2023 Llanfwrog Community Association were awarded £40,290 towards their Energy Efficiency project.

The Clocaenog funding was to go specifically towards replacing the existing floodlighting lanterns on the Tennis Court which are 2.1 Kw Metal Halogen with 800w LED lights. It is estimated that this will achieve a reduction of circa 50% on the energy usage. In addition, these lights comply with the Government's Dark Skies Initiative to reduce the impact on the environment. The charity has been working with Denbighshire County Council on the Dark Skies Initiative. This is a government initiative to improve the lighting/ floodlighting to reduce the environment impact whilst reducing energy usage through LED lighting.

Gwenno Jones, Designated Landscapes Dark Skies Officer says:

“Llanfwrog Community association have done everything they can to reduce light pollution at the center and have mitigated as much as possible whilst also creating a safe environment for using the tennis courts and the golf driving range.

Not only has changing the light fittings had a positive effect on wildlife it has also reduced carbon emissions, figures have shown by replacing the old 2KW floodlight with the new 800W dark light sport floodlights, when all 6 courts are switched on they are saving 31.2KW/h which is a saving of 61.9% in electricity and carbon emissions which is very positive for the environment and the cost of running the centre.”

This has been a very successful project, whilst the organisation continues to make improvement in order to sustain the facilities for years to come.

Rod Bowden, trustee mentions:

“The investment energy efficiency measures professionally researched is certainly one of the most important initiative this charity has pursued, without the grant funding it is questionable whether we would have survived.”

CVSC officer Marian Jones attended the official launch event of the new lights and mentions that it was a delight to see all the children and young people there in attendance and enjoying the facilities. 


Community and Voluntary Support Conwy
7 Rhiw Rd, Colwyn Bay LL29 7TG

  • Company Limited by Guarantee 3867751
  • Registered Charity Number: 1151397