Denbigh Youth Shedz

At the end of 2022 Youth Shedz Denbigh received £9,980 towards their project with the young people in Denbigh.

Youth Shedz Cymru has grown over the years but the original Youth Shed was set up in 2018 in partnership with Grŵp Cynefin, with 6 young people at the Denbigh Yr Hafod which is a supported housing project for homeless young people. 

Over the past 4 years, post Clocaenog funding, Denbigh Youth Shed had helped about 24 young people to reconnect with society, most of whom now have jobs or are at college or in apprenticeships.

They were successful in obtaining funding from the Clocaenog Forest Wind Farm fund in order to continue to support young people over the year or so to reconnect with society. 

In 2023 the young people at Denbigh Youth Shedz carried out the following:

  • Fly tying and fishing with Going it Alone
  • Bicycle restoration – youngsters have brought their own bikes in to learn how to maintain.
  • Weekly Arts & Craft Wellbeing sessions
  • Virtual Reality Workshops
  • Go Kart restoration
  • Furniture restoration – saving articles that were bound for landfill
  • Camping and BBQ’s
  • Fit and Fed provision in School Holidays funded by Street Games Wales
  • Golf range 1-1’s and provision of professional teaching with NW Golf Club Golf Pro Robin
  • Food provision every week!

Community outreach:

  • Potting and taking flowers to care homes
  • Using our VR County Lines film to educate local kids
  • JW made care packs for the homeless and a women’s refuge
  • Betsi the Bus outreach with Police to address knife crime

One of the aims of the project was to work on some of the anti-social behaviour by the young people, and Elain Lloyd, Hwb Denbigh mentions:

“Anti-Social behaviour was a concern for us here at HWB Dinbych, with a lot of complaints from local residents and calls to the police. Since working with Youth Shedz, focusing on 1-2-1 sessions with a young person who was causing a number of issues in the area, we have seen a reduction in the ASB surrounding the building and in Denbigh. It has also been mentioned in meetings with other organisations working from HWB Dinbych that they have noticed there is a lot less concerns.”

During the reporting period Denbigh Youth Shed has opened on most Tuesdays and Fridays for small group work and one to one provision. They currently have 15 young people registered to the project, some of these have been referred for 1 to 1 provision and others have been signposted from external sources or have been self-referrals.

The first year of funding was so successful and made such an impact on the young people, the Clocaenog panel have awarded the project a further 1 years’ worth of funding.

Youth Shedz representative says:

This funding has allowed us to build on the foundations of Denbigh Youth Shed that were laid by the original ‘Shedderz’ from Yr Hafod. This year has seen us become much more interlinked with the Hwb and the partners based there, we definitely feel part of the Hwb family!

We feel that this funding has helped us develop into more of a community provision meaning that our vision and impact is starting to widen from just serving one small group of young people to now building relationships with a wider circle, which includes new young people, but, also more opportunities to collaborate with the local Police, Denbigh High School, Denbigh Youth Project, Going it Alone and the Hwb in general.

These new relationships and the opportunities they are creating promise to create even more of an impact not only on the young people we work with but also in the community that they live

Community and Voluntary Support Conwy
7 Rhiw Rd, Colwyn Bay LL29 7TG

  • Company Limited by Guarantee 3867751
  • Registered Charity Number: 1151397