Celebrating Dedication: A Recap of the Volunteer Celebratory Event, marking 40th anniversary of Volunteers’ Week

On June 6th, 2024, Venue Cymru in Llandudno volunteers, representatives of voluntary organisations and special guests gathered for the much-anticipated Volunteer Celebratory event. The purpose of this gathering was to honour and appreciate the selfless contributions of volunteers who have dedicated their time and effort to making a difference in their communities.


The event kicked off with a warm welcome from CVSC Chief Officer, Elgan Owen, setting a tone of appreciation and celebration.

Two inspirational speakers, Kayleigh Roberts and Xavier Rose, marked the Pride Month with powerful talks about creating safe environments for people from LGBTQ+ communities. Their words resonated deeply with the audience, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity, acceptance, and community support.

The main event seen Twenty-nine individual volunteers, nominated by local organizations, and four volunteer groups presented with Certificates of Excellence, recognizing their outstanding dedication and commitment.

The event also featured a vibrant performance from the local inclusive band, Ghostbuskers, whose music was very well received by the audience. Their performance added a lively and celebratory atmosphere to the event, showcasing the talent and spirit of inclusivity within the community.

To commemorate the 40th anniversary of Volunteers' Week, a special cake was made by one of the volunteers, adding a sweet touch to the celebrations. This delicious creation was a highlight of the evening, symbolizing the years of dedication and hard work by volunteers over the decades.

Feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing their gratitude for the recognition and the opportunity to connect with fellow volunteers. One attendee remarked, "It's incredible to see so many people who care about making a difference."

The Volunteer Celebratory event at Venue Cymru was a resounding success, leaving attendees inspired and motivated to continue their invaluable work. It was a fitting tribute to the dedication and hard work of volunteers who are the backbone of our communities.

Community and Voluntary Support Conwy
7 Rhiw Rd, Colwyn Bay LL29 7TG

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  • Registered Charity Number: 1151397